Host an Exchange Student

Nominate a Host Family

If you know a family that may be interested in hosting an exchange student, please let us know by filling out the form below. For each family you nominate who hosts an NWSE student, we can provide you a “Thank you” Award or donate it to a local school or community program of your choice.

“The greatest reward of my exchange was the relationship with my host families who would like to keep in touch and be a life time family.”

Juri from Japan

“Probably the biggest reward of being an exchange student was being hosted by an amazing family. I couldn’t imagine life without them anymore and I feel like I will be at…

Julia from Germany

“America is awesome. You have freedom here. You can do what you want to do- nobody tells you what you have to do. You are free to make your choices. I…

Punnada from Thailand

“It is amazing how fast the students adapt to your home life and become just like your own son or daughter. They have personalities that bring a lot of different…

Mark from Utah, USA
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